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What is the difference between QSUN and quv?



QSUN and QUV are two common accelerated aging test equipment used to simulate the exposure environment of materials in actual use. The difference between them is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. Manufacturer and brand: 
QSUN and QUV are produced by different manufacturers. The QSUN is manufactured by Q-Lab Corporation, while the QUV is manufactured by ATLAS Material Testing Solutions.
accelerated aging test equipment
2. Light source type: 
QSUN uses a xenon arc lamp as the light source, which can provide high light energy and light intensity. QUV uses ultraviolet (UV) fluorescent lamps as light sources, which have lower light energy and light intensity.
3. Spectral output: 
QSUN's xenon arc lamps provide a wider spectral output, covering the spectral ranges of visible light, ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). QUV's UV fluorescent lamps are mainly based on the ultraviolet A band.
4. Control parameters: 
QSUN and QUV can simulate various environmental conditions by adjusting control parameters, such as light intensity, temperature, humidity, etc. However, the exact parameter settings and adjustment methods may vary by model and manufacturer.
5. Application fields: 
Both QSUN and QUV are widely used in various industries, such as coatings, plastics, automobiles, textiles, etc. They can help evaluate materials for weatherability, color fastness, UV resistance, and more.
It should be noted that since QSUN and QUV are produced by different manufacturers, the specific models and configurations may be different. When selecting suitable testing equipment, it is recommended to consider according to specific needs, standard requirements and expected results, and conduct detailed consultation and comparison with suppliers.

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