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What standard is used to measure xenon arc aging effects?



The following standards are commonly used to measure xenon arc aging effects:
1. ISO 4892 series standards: ISO 4892 is a series of standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to evaluate the performance changes of materials and products when subjected to xenon arc aging tests in simulated sunlight. Among them, the ISO 4892-2 standard applies to accelerated aging tests using xenon arc light sources, covering materials and products in different application fields.
Q-Sun XE-3 xenon arc chamber
2. ASTM G155 standard: ASTM G155 is a standard issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for evaluating the resistance of materials to xenon arc radiation aging. It provides a method for accelerated aging testing of materials using xenon-arc lamp irradiation to simulate real-world xenon-arc radiation conditions.
These standards provide guidelines for conducting xenon arc aging tests, including the use of appropriate sample preparation, test parameters, aging cycles, and methods for evaluating changes in performance. Select the appropriate standard for your specific application to ensure reliable and comparable test results and refer to local or industry requirements. Note that specific test methods and standards may vary depending on your application and local regulations. Before the actual test, it is recommended to consult a professional laboratory or experts in related fields for accurate advice and guidance.

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