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How to debug the Tensile testing machine and installation precautions?



Tensile testing machine is a test equipment for the detection of basic properties of different materials, you can further improve the quality of the product requirements and the basic quality of materials, so it is also all kinds of materials in the performance of the "test experts". Next we understand how to debug the pressure tester and installation considerations.
Tensile testing machine

Ⅰ. the commissioning of the Tensile testing machine

1, oil injection
Open the back door, lift the oil tank cover to the oil tank into the appropriate amount of mechanical oil to the oil mark position. Due to temperature changes, the oil is slightly different, the oil specifications are as follows: When the ambient temperature is 15 ± 5 ℃, using GB443-84N68 mechanical oil.   When the ambient temperature is 25±5℃, GB443-84N100 mechanical oil is used.
2、Electrical connection
Plug the random power plug into the corresponding socket. The power supply is 380V 50Hz.
3、Start the oil pump exhaust
Open the oil return valve and open the oil feed valve. Rotate the power switch (at the back of the control box), turn on the machine power, display the screen of the instrument, and display the test screen after 2 seconds. Press the "start" button, start the motor, the oil pump began to work, continue to work for about a minute after closing the return valve, at this time can be found under the pressure plate slowly rise, in the lower pressure plate rises for a distance, close the oil feed valve and open the return valve, at this time the lower pressure plate is in the falling back state. Repeat the above steps 3~4 times can completely exclude the gas in the system. If still can not be excluded, you can press the following method of exhaust: after stopping the machine, open the front door, with a random wrench, unscrew the large nut on the front face of the oil pump, and then open the machine to drain the oil to the outflow of oil smoothly, shut down the machine, screw on the nut.

Ⅱ. the installation of the Tensile testing machine precautions

1, when installing the handsaw, the saw teeth must be forward, the right amount of slack, do not over-tighten or over-loosen, otherwise it is easy to break.   ,
2, the starting saw angle should be small (generally about 15 degrees), the stroke should be short, the pressure should be small.
3, sawing, push the saw to add pressure, back to the saw without pressure, and try to use the full length of the saw blade, in order to extend the life of the saw blade.
4, when the pressure tester is loaded workpiece is about to be sawed, the pressure should be light, slow, short stroke, and pay attention to the safety of the operator's arm.
Installation: The pressure tester should be installed in a clean, dry, no vibration, no corrosive gas influence room. The installation foundation should be firm and reliable, and the ground screws should be aligned with the base.

After the machine is adjusted to the horizontal installation, the machine should be clean and soaked in kerosene cotton gauze, wipe the machine on the surface of the processed surface coated with rust inhibitor, and then the surface is wiped clean and coated with a thin layer of mechanical oil.
The above is how to share the Tensile testing machine debugging and installation precautions, I hope it can help you!

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