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You Must Know: Fabric Tensile Tester common failuress



Fabric Tensile Tester is a physical property testing instrument used in the field of mechanics. The equipment has bond wire strength tensile test, solder joint push test and solder chip shear force test, which can switch between destructive testing and non-destructive testing.

What failures Fabric Tensile Tester often occurs?What are the points to pay attention to?

1. There is a blind spot in the verification of the force sensor: the general metrological verification takes 10% or even 15% of the large load of the equipment as the starting point of the verification, and many sensors with poor quality happen to be less than 10% and have a large error;
2. There is instability in the movement speed of the beam: different experimental speeds will obtain different experimental results, so it is also necessary to verify the speed;
Fabric Tensile Tester
3. Improper selection of the material of the moving beam: Especially when doing a large tonnage metal test, because the beam is also stressed at the same time, the deformation itself will also affect the test results. Therefore, it is better to choose a good cast steel material. If it is a cast iron material, it may even be overwhelmed and break directly;
4. Coaxiality (neutrality) is ignored: it may be the reason for the difficulty of inspection. Almost no one has studied the coaxiality of the equipment, but if there is a problem with the coaxiality, it will definitely affect the experimental results, especially It is a test with a small load. I have seen the test with the equipment without the fixture base fixed. The reliability of the data is clear at a glance;
5. The problem of the push-pull test machine fixture: After long-term use, the jaws of the fixture will be worn, the teeth will be broken, and the teeth will be deformed, resulting in unreliable clamping or damage to the sample, which will affect the final result of the test;
6. Failure of the Fabric Tensile Tester : the consequences may directly damage the equipment, it is recommended to check regularly, because some may be caused by software failures, be careful to sail for thousands of years.
Note that to maintain the normal use of the Fabric Tensile Tester , you must also pay attention to daily maintenance! Keep the body clean, check whether the Fabric Tensile Tester  fixture is corroded or damaged, and adjust the adjustable mechanical parts in a full range, no less than 3 times, Calibration of equipment accuracy is required every 2 maintenances.

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